Friday, October 22, 2010

beautiful faces

Has anyone ever claimed that getting married creates a gap between friends? Because I can testify that this most certainly does not have to be true.  You can go out and have a-better-than-ever-girls-night with the ladies. Married or not. And no, I have not gotten married since my last post, although I recognize that it has been a while. But I have hung out with some of the friends I cherish most, some of whom have been (beautifully married to their amazing counterparts) but does this mean we don't get together, drink some Ocktoberfest and have sleepovers anymore? Um, Heck noooo. Actually, we've really only gotten better with age....and as I upload these shots (and videos), have a tendency to say even more beautiful, (maybe I'm biased, but check it out, and you'll see what I mean...)  There's a glow to these girls, and I love that about them....

who doesn't love glow sticks?

 or a fantastic dance party? and be AMAZED.

There really is nothing, ever, that can equal the value of the girlfriends of your youth. And it's even more wonderful when you get to marry off your besties to men of fantastic character who allow their ladies off on nights such as these.... 
Growing up just keeps on being beautifully written, as though there's Someone out there who cares about our happiness....go figure....
I am very blessed.
With fun and laughter and understanding.

1 comment:

  1. ahhh perfection. your words capture the essence of that night. right on, my friend. right one.

    i'm glad we enjoyed this friday night in together :)
